Eagles College

Education is life itself

Primera reunión de apoderados 2016

Publicado por webmaster 0 Comentarios 28/03/2016

March 23, 2016
Dear Parents:

Eagles’ College has organized the first parent-teacher meeting next week as detailed below. We kindly request your PRESENCE AND PUNCTUALITY. Please, do not bring your children along with you, since these meetings are only for parents and guardians.

Eagles’ College cita a usted a participar de la primera reunión de padres y apoderados la próxima semana, organizada como se indica en el cuadro más abajo. Solicitamos encarecidamente suASISTENCIA Y PUNTUALIDAD, al mismo tiempo recordamos a ustedes no traer a sus hijos puesto que los temas a tratar son para los padres y apoderados.

Level / Cursos Date Time
Pre-School 1° ciclo

Pre Toddler & Toddlers

Tuesday, march 29th.

Martes 29 de marzo

19:00 hrs.

1st – 6th

Tuesday, march 29th.

Martes 29 de marzo

19:30 hrs.
Pre-school 2° ciclo

Pre Kinder & Kinder

Thursday, march 31th.

Jueves, 31 de marzo

19:00 hrs
High School

7° – 12th

Thursday, march 31th.

Jueves, 31 de marzo

19:30 hrs.

Thank you,


Rosa Ma. Retamales

School Director

Eagles’ College

Categorias: Destacados

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